All About Our Craft Beer Types

With so many craft beer types on the market it can be hard to know what each type might taste like if you’ve never tried them before. Not sure where to begin? Take a look through our growing list of beers below to find one that you’ll love.


Amber beers are red in colour and bring a balance of malt and hop. Our amber is created with a malty sweetness and spicy, citrusy hops to give you a light to medium body craft beer. You’ll be able to taste a hint of stone fruit that is balanced out well with a herbal hop bitterness.

American Pale Ale

Pale ales are malty and hoppy, with a slight fruity taste. Our American pale ale is packed with citrus and hops to make it dry and thirst quenching. You’ll be able to taste the fruity flavours of citrus, papaya and grapefruit.


Blonde ale comes in a golden blonde colour and has dry, light to medium body with a bit of malty sweetness. Our german style blonde ale has a subtle citrus fruit flavour. It has aromas of freshly cut grass that are perfectly mixed with a crisp and sweet maltiness.


Indian pale ales are known for their bitter aroma that have moderate to medium body with herbal and citric profiles. Our Electric Mayhem IPA was created with a flavour profile of orange juice, grapefruit, mango and hints of lime. It’s dry and soft with enough bitterness to make it an easy craft beer to drink.


Stout beers are made rich and creamy with notes of coffee and grain that come from the barley. Our Irish stout is black in colour and very flavourful with notes of hoppy bitterness and a touch of acidity.

Have more questions about our craft beer? Stop by the Ridge Rock Brewery to ask us and try some of our beer! We’re located at the main intersection in Carp, Ontario!