West Carleton sustainability plan released

WEST CARLETON – Following consultations with West Carleton residents Ottawa Biosphere Eco-City (OBEC) has released its community sustainability plan for Ward 5.

OBEC members and volunteers held a community meeting at Kinburn in June to set in motion a sustainability plan for West Carleton. The meeting allowed residents of West Carleton to work on building a community sustainability plan, following the OBEC community sustainability model.

Based on the community discussions, a sustainability plan was created encompassing individual, family, and community projects. The projects relate to OBEC’s 10 Sustainability Themes: transport, food, waste, health, energy, habitat, natural capital, design, recreation, and sense of place.

“The sustainability plan is meant to inspire the residents of West Carleton to engage in more sustainable ways of living and make sustainability simple and straightforward to incorporate these in to their everyday lives,” OBEC coordinator Nasha Choudhury said.

“The health of our environment is in need of urgent change. Sustainability is becoming more urgent each day and the greatest of changes can only start from small actions made by every individual and their community,” OBEC summer intern Jessica Huang.

OBEC is a registered educational charity that uses Biosphere Eco-City (BEC) themes and tools to engage people and organizations in sustainability. Its mission is to achieve sustainability in partnership with stakeholders by sharing ideas, knowledge, and experience.

You can find the West Carleton Sustainability Plan on OBEC’s website: http://obec-evbo.ca/

You can also fill out this form to provide OBEC information on a project you would like to run in the West Carleton community: https://forms.gle/nvYtB7wDVnGByH4Q7

If you are interested to know more, please check out the OBEC website and get in touch with the OBEC coordinator at coordinator.obec@gmail.com.