Thomas A. Dolan trouble spot getting improved safety measures

DUNROBIN SHORES – On Sunday (June 21), Ottawa Fire Service’s District 6 Chief Bill Bell heroically rescued a motorist out of a submerged car at the wet end of Thomas A. Dolan Parkway.
Today (June 25), four days later, City of Ottawa staff are doing what they can to make the section of the parkway near Barlow Crescent safer.
The t-junction is situated near a public beach at the end of a steep hill. It has been the site of several accidents for a while.
“Over the last five years?” Coun. Eli El-Chantiry told West Carleton Online today (June 25). “I don’t have the numbers in front of me, but quite a lot.”
Road crews were at the intersection today starting a project to make significant changes to the surrounding intersection that is expected to be completed in roughly a week.
The project moved forward after Coun. El-Chantiry met with traffic assessment representatives earlier in the week.
Councillor El-Chantiry has completed discussions with Traffic Assessments regarding traffic treatment on Thomas A. Dolan and Barlow Crescent.
The following measures are scheduled to be completed within the next week.
Changes for the intersection include:
- All-way stop signs
- Stop ahead warning signs on temporary basis for the Barlow/Neely approaches for 30 days
- Permanent stop ahead for the Thomas A. Dolan approach with ‘New’ tab (new tab to be removed after 30 days)
- Removing the existing checkerboard left and right arrow and replacing with a larger one
- New custom sign advising the water is 60 metres ahead
Pavement markings
- stop bar and tails
- left turning chicken tracks (right hand side of driver)
- White edge lines including across water access
- Exponential stop bars between Old Maple Lane and Barlow for the Thomas A Dolan approach
While area residents have been calling for rumble strips, El-Chantiry is hopeful these measures will be effective.
“I’m happy Chief Bell save that person’s life and I’m pleased city staff is moving very quickly on the issue and will be done by the end of the week,” he said.