Talk art tonight by the fire in Carp
CARP – While art and fire often do not mix, tonight’s (Nov. 20) the rare night as the West Carleton Art Society’s ARTiculate Fireside Talk features artist Jacky MacDonald talking on the art of Working with Palette Knives.
MacDonald was born in Hull and now resides in Ottawa, where she paints from her gallery/studio just south of the city.

At the age of 18, MacDonald moved to Europe to continue her studies and be close to the works of the great masters on display in the museums of Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin and Madrid. She used every spare minute of her three years abroad to visit and explore the countryside of Europe and was forever inspired to capture the essence of village life on canvas through richly coloured and textured landscapes and streetscapes.
When MacDonald returned to Canada, she studied fashion design with Richard Robinson with the intention to design costumes for the theatre. Instead, she went back to study at Ottawa’s two universities and eventually found positions with Algonquin College and the Ottawa Board of Education.
MacDonald has studied at the Ottawa School of Art and for several years was part of a select group of students chosen to work and study in the studio of renowned artist, Philip Craig.
“Her paintings are bold and dramatic; her specialty is street scenes and garden landscapes,” the WCAS released in a statement. “With a few brushstrokes, Jacky is able to evoke a mood and create an ambience that is truly representative of France Italy and Canada.”
Her paintings are in a growing number of private and corporate collections. In 1999, one of her pieces was selected as an official gift to Princess Astride of Belgium, on the occasion of her first visit to Canada. In 2014 one of MacDonald’s designs was chosen by the Mint for the 2015 $20 fine silver coin-autumn express.
MacDonald works predominantly with oils, but a few years ago began to “experiment” with the use of acrylics. She is equally comfortable with the brush and the pallet knife.
MacDonald’s works are on display at Koyman Galleries in Ottawa.
Her talk on the use of palette knives begins at 7 p.m. and will be held at St. Paul’s United Church in Carp (3760 Carp Rd.).