Station 66, 84 firefighters make breakfast
WEST CARLETON – It was a great week to be a lover of the most important meal of the day.

On Sunday, May 26, the Dunrobin fire hall, Station 66, hosted more than 650 for a delicious breakfast of pancakes and your favourite breakfast meats.
It was a time for a community to come together, enjoy each other’s company and talk about anything other than the trying year it has been in the community with one part still reeling from last fall’s Sept. 21 tornado, and another part still battling this spring’s extreme flooding.
It was also an event that hosted a huge announcement.
Allstate Insurance donated $2,500 to Station 66 to help support disaster relief.
“We’d like to thank John Kealey and his Allstate team for donating to our association,” volunteer firefight Chris Burke said. “We really appreciate the support. Thank you everybody and enjoy your breakfast.”

Six days later, more than 500 breakfast lovers headed to the Corkery fire hall, Station 84, for more great comfort food. The west-of-the-417 community has a lot of big projects coming up as the Corkery Community Association begins fundraising in earnest for their share of a $1,5 million facility upgrade.
West Carleton Online was also very pleased to meet seven-month-old Gavan at the tasty meal.
Corkery’s annual firefighters’ breakfast also boasts a shopping element, as the Corkery Community Centre hosted a plant sale and a bake sale. More on that in our weekend wrap-up to be posted a little later today.