New Corkery wild bird centre sets $20,000 Giving Tuesday goal

CORKERY – As work continues to build the new Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre (OVWBCC), the organization behind the facility is hoping Giving Tuesday will raise some funds for the ambitions project.

Last May the board announce the OVWBCC would be moving to Corkery and building a state-of-the-art facility there. The announcement coincided with the launch of its public fundraising campaign with a goal of $1.7 million.

“The new 6,300 square-foot, energy-efficient centre with 3,000 sq. ft. of outdoor aviaries will be better equipped to meet the increasing demands of Ottawa’s wild bird care emergencies and rehabilitation,” the board said at the time. “It will also house a new education centre to provide informal, engaging and interactive displays where children and the public can learn about birds, their habitats, and environmental stewardship.”

The location is in the Corkery area on just more than 17 acres of land. Contractors have already built an access road and a well on the property.

Tuesday, Dec. 1 has become known as Giving Tuesday, and the OVWBCC has set a lofty goal for the day that celebrates philanthropy.

“Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, the most generous day of the year,” the OVWBCC board released in a statement today (Nov. 30). “We have an ambitious goal to raise $20,000 on Dec. 1 to support our .”

This past year, the Centre provided care to over 4,000 individual birds.

“A remarkable achievement at the best of times, and even more so, during a global pandemic,” the board said. “Many are on the threatened or endangered species list, such as this Red-headed Woodpecker we treated recently.”

Next year marks a huge milestone for the OVWBCC.

“In 2021, we will celebrate our 40th year of operation,” the board said. “As our current location is crowded and in an irreparably poor condition, a new facility is desperately needed. We are proud of our generous community for their continued support and helping us raise more than $1 million of our total goal already, but we still have another $700,000 to go.”

If you are interested in making a donation to the OVWBCC, you can do so here.