New coffee spot in the Harbour

FITZROY HARBOUR – There’s a new spot to get your coffee fix in Fitzroy Harbour this weekend.

The Olde Meeting House will be serving Equator coffee this long weekend. The official first day was yesterday, but the olde coffee house will be open all weekend, Aug. 1 through Aug. 5 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily including holiday Monday. Regular hours will be Thursday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

“Yes, we are very excited about this test market weekend event,” Syd Gravel told West Carleton Online. “We first approached Hotshots Coffee Canada, a local retail coffee business owned and operated by Paul Vaillancourt, out of Renfrew, who was happy to spend time with us discussing the idea of us having a little coffee shop operating out of the Olde Meeting House and our approach. We then also contacted Equator Coffee, our local coffee roasters out of Almonte about the idea they also thought it was a great idea and they were happy to help us get started with advice and their product line.”

 The Gravels meetings with two local coffee suppliers provided them with the advice they needed to get going.

“We took in all the advice given to us by these two great businesses to keep things simple, country and welcoming,” Gravel said. “So, we will be offering drip coffee of three different blends from fresh ground Equator beans and we will also have a variety of Equator coffee beans for sale.”

 Gravel says they are starting small to test the market.

“Our product line during this test market weekend is limited a bit, as we just don’t know what our market will support but we can expand based on what we see happening,” he said.

The Olde Meeting House will continue to be available for special occasion events.

“it will just be a matter of scheduling the events in with us,” Gravel said.

For more information, visit their website