Look back: The Carp Review, Jan. 25, 1906
Royal Scarlet Chapter No 2 Elect Officers and Hold Annual Banquet.
WEST CARLETON – The lead story in the Jan. 25, 1906 edition of The Carp Review was part celebration, part election as the Royal Scarlet Chapter No. 2, March and Huntley held their annual election of officers and banquet on Jan. 19, 1906.

“The Chapter, which is the keystone to all degrees of the Orange order, seems to be growing by leaps and bounds, as upwards of eight new members have been initiated at each of the two last meetings held,” the Review reported.
Elected to the executive include R.T. Richardson, W. Weatherley, S. L. Gilchrist, G.A. Hodgins, J.R. Johnston, T.A. Brown, Thomas Olive, Joe Riehaur, Samuel Johnston and E.J. Hughes and D. Cromlish.
“After the business of the meeting was finished the members repaired to the dining room of the Cornwall House where an excellent spread awaited them,” the Review wrote. “When justice had been done to the good things provided and the inner man satisfied several toasts were responded to.”
One of the oldest members of the order in Carleton County, and attending the event, was Irvine Vance who at the time was in his 86th year. At that point he had been a member for 67 years.
He told the attendees “he thought the obligations required the members to stay with the order as long as they were able. And while he could not say he had done very much good for it he was pleased to say he had done it no harm.”
More Petty Thefts.
Several reports of petty thieving “have reached here from Nepean and March townships,” the Review reports.
“The farmers seem to be the only victims and their losses have consisted of grain or dairy produce such as butter, cheese and preserves and meat.”
March Township farmer John Wilson says last Tuesday night (Jan. 23, 1906) his cellar was entered and a “considerable quantity of meat and preserves stolen.”
Several farmers in the vicinity have had similar experiences.
“Mr. Wilson thinks that those who do the thieving are some hard characters from Ottawa or suburbs,” the Review reported. “No suspicion, he says, attaches to any person in the vicinity and the robbers remain a complete mystery. Farmers as a rule, living in a well settled and respectable community, very seldom lock their granary or cellar doors.”
An Innovation on Grand Trunk Railway.
The Carp Review reports Grand Trunk Railway will now offer home delivery.
“In order to facilitate the prompt delivery of baggage at Toronto, Montreal and Hamilton and to avoid delay and annoyance often occasioned at these points the General Baggage Department of the Grand Trunk Railway System are arranging for the checking of baggage from all stations in Canada direct to residences, hotels, railway stations and steamboat wharves in the above cities,” the Review reports.
For 25 cents per piece, people will be able to check their baggage direct to any residence.
A Narrow Escape.
Peter Wilson avoided “serious injury” when getting dragged by a train. The train had started moving and in getting in Wilson struck against “little Bertha Scharf,” which threw his balance off and caused him to fall between the car and the station platform.
He managed to hold on to the handrail until he reached the end of the platform where he let go trying to throw himself as far from the car as possible.
“He was thus dragged a couple of car lengths during which time he felt the car wheels touch his legs several times,” the Review reports. “Those present were spell-bound, expecting every moment to see him drawn under the wheels. As it was, he received a severe shaking up. The little Scharf girl knockdown was caught just as she was rolling off the platform.”
Carleton Agriculture Society.
Another election of officers, this time Wednesday, Jan. 17, 1906 held at the Town Hall at Richmond.
H.S. Conn was named president, E. Kidd of North Gower and F.A. Heney of Ottawa were named vice presidents.
Interviewing the Government.
Carleton County Member of Legislative Assembly G.N. Kidd was off to Toronto Tuesday, Jan. 23, 1906 to interview the government in reference to increased grants for education and to apply for money for certain roads and bridges in Carleton.
“It is to be hoped Mr. Kidd will be successful in his mission as the county is justly entitled to the improvements above referred to,” the Review reports.
Is it Spring?
West Carleton enjoyed some mild weather over the first few days of the week.
“It is not very often we see buggies used as late as Jan. 22, but such was the case on Monday,” the Review reported. “During the first couple of days this week the snow melted away rapidly and today there is very little left.”
10,000 immigrants.
In international news The Carp Review covered the arrival of 10,000 immigrants from Great Britain.
“Arrangements have been made by the Salvation Army to bring 10,000 people from Great Britain to Canada the coming season,” the Review reports. “These immigrants will be selected from a possible 100,000 applicants, and each case will be thoroughly investigated.”
Three steamers were chartered for the trip and the first group of 1,500 left on March 1, 1906 on the SS Kensington arriving in Halifax 10 days later.
“Farmers who have not secured their help for the coming season will do well to write immediately to Brigadier Thomas Howell,” the Review said.
District News.
March: Wood hauling is the order of the day.
Galetta: The annual meeting of the Fitzroy Agricultural Society was held in the town hall at Mohr’s Corners on Wednesday Afternoon.
About 70 couples of Arnprior, Galetta, Fitzroy Harbour and Kinburn people enjoyed themselves at a dance in Whyte’s Hall on Wednesday night.
Antrim: The anniversary service in connection with the Presbyterian church, Kinburn, on Sunday, Jan. 14, and the team-meeting the following evening were a success. The Rev. Scott of Hull, conducted the service.
Dunrobin: There are several cases of whooping cough reported around here at present, Mr. Henry Read’s family being the last we heard of.
South March: The comparatively mild weather of late has left the roads bare in many places and farmers have to discontinue their hauling for a time.
The Public Library.
The Carp Review seems to have penned an editorial opinion on the library tucked in the back of the Jan. 25, 1906 edition.
“We desire to call to attention of the public to the lack of interest taken in the Carp Public Library as was shown by the small attendance at the annual meeting last week,” the Review reported. “There were only a few present, those who alone take an interest in the institution and upon whose shoulders all the work in connection with it is borne from one year to another.”
This should not be the case as it should be of interest to everyone and all should help, not only in its support but the work connected to it, the Review states.
At the time, the library boasted 1,400 volumes including “some of the best works on history, science and art, biography, religious, voyage and travel and fiction.
Memberships are 50 cents a year.
The Carp Review was published by James A. Evoy of Carp.