Letter: Dunrobin resident’s year made by stranger’s generosity

To the Editor,

I had come from the Arnprior hospital.  My husband had been at the Heart Institute for 25 days – with no visitations allowed.

I went into the Ultramar gas station on 85 Madawaska Blvd., at approximately 3:15 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 6. My husband always gassed up the car, so this was a new venture for me.

I put the card in the pump, and the pump prompted me to enter the pin number, and then again to confirm the number.  It stated there was an error, so I tried to cancel the entry to re-start the transaction, but it didn’t work. I wondered if the transaction went through. When I put in the nozzle the gas didn’t come out, so I hung it back up again. The attendant said to put it back and try again. Then it worked.  I filled up my tank to the tune of $34.97. 

Then, on the pump, it said I was to pay in the store. I went inside to process the transaction but my card was declined.

I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t have another credit card, nor did I have enough cash. I asked tat if I went home to Dunrobin could I telephone them a different card to process. They said they couldn’t do that. The attendant asked if I had any collateral. I didn’t have any. I did get rather emotional, as I was dumbfounded as to why my card was declined. I asked if maybe it was because I was able to get the gas after all.

With all my emotions spilling over at this dilemma, the man behind me said he would pay the bill. The attendant processed my charge on to his bill.  I was stunned, overwhelmed, and amazed the gentleman would do that.

What a relief it was to me. In my anxiety, I thanked the man and said that ‘not only had he made my day he made my year.’ Then I left the store. 

I called the gas station when I got back to thank them again, and to ask if they could give me the name of the man who paid for my gas. They were not able to do that. I am so ashamed for not asking the generous man for his name or telephone number, so I could return the favour. All I know is the man drove a big white truck, with wooden slats at the sides and back.

P.S.  Today (Dec. 7) I received an email from my credit card company asking me to verify if the transaction was fraudulent. I think because there was a suspicion that it may be fraudulent my card wouldn’t work once inside the store.  

Marjorie Bifolchi,