Legion Week golf tourney raises $3,300
COLUMN – Branch 616 is pleased to report that the Earlybird Membership Campaign is off to an excellent start with 65 membership dues submitted for September. There are now two months, October and November, in which to pay the discounted amount of $55 and have a chance at a refund. The winner for the month of September is Deborah Lyttle. Congratulations Comrade.
Legion Week is over for another year. All events were well attended. The dart leagues had some new players trying out: some signed up for the season. Teams have been formed now and regular play has started. Thank you to everyone who made Legion Week a success.

The Poppy Campaign will get underway on Oct. 25. Volunteers are needed for the tables at Sobey’s and Metro at which poppies and poppy products are available to the public in exchange for a donation. The sign-up sheets are at the branch. The campaign is on from Oct. 25 to Nov. 10. The branch will observe Remembrance Day on Saturday, Nov. 9.
Legion Week wrap-up
(Editor’s note: West Carleton Online attended the Honours and Awards night. For more on that story, click here)
Sunday, Sept. 15: Honours and Awards. Congratulations to the very many members who received pins, executive bars, and volunteer awards. Comrades Don Johnstone and Wayne Partridge received their 50-year pins. Volunteers honoured with the Good Times Award, which is awarded to members and non-members, were Sue Ringuette, Ingrid Lum, Chantal Guibeault, Pamella Taylor, Michelle Bainbridge, Gord Johnson, and Ed Massaud. Lynda Boland received the Volunteer of the Year Award. Vic Jannack served up some delicious chicken and ribs after the awards. Thank you to Vic and his kitchen crew, Forever Friends entertainment, and all the karaoke performers, especially the kids.
Friday, Sept. 20: Trivia Challenge. There was a good turnout for this first trivia night of the season, including out-of-town players. Thank you to co-ordinator Jim Wilson and all the players.
Saturday, Sept. 21: Legion Golf. Eighty-six golfers signed up for this annual event held at the Copperdale. There were limited carts available so there were 28 walkers. Thank you to Harriet Farrell, Brian Dunster, and the kitchen crew for a delicious roast beef dinner. Thank you to the golfers, and the donors of prizes. Thank you Tom Watters for organizing another great day and raising $3,340 for the branch.
Upcoming events
Friday, Oct. 25: Hallowe’en Party !! The Ladies Auxiliary will be in charge of TGIF dinner at 5:30 pm followed by the party! The three course dinner of Beef Brisket by Anita is $14.00. The party cover charge is $5.00 but if you buy dinner the cover charge will be waived. Music is provided by Ric’s DJ. There will be costume prizes and snacks. Everyone Welcome!
Saturday, Nov. 9: Branch 616 Remembrance Day.
Saturday, Nov. 23: Ladies Auxiliary Zone Darts, Teams.
Saturday, Nov. 30: Veterans Christmas Party. The bus bringing our guests from the Perley/Rideau arrives at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will be served, followed by the 616 floor show. Forever Friends will entertain throughout the day. Everyone, please feel free to come out to meet and greet the guests, make them comfortable, help serve lunch. Veterans of all genres are our guests.