Legion Week celebrates its friends

CONSTANCE BAY – Legion Week, an annual celebration across the country of everything a Royal Canadian Legion does for its community, wrapped up last Saturday (Sept. 21). In true, Branch 616 fashion, Legion Week locally chose to shine the spotlight on its friends, neighbours and community.

West Carleton Online dropped by the branch Sunday, Sept. 15 – the first day of the West Carleton Royal Canadian Legion’s week-long celebration and the day it honours its members and volunteers with its Honours and Awards Night followed by a community barbecue.

“Welcome to Branch 616,” President George Dolan said.

The first order of business was to honour those long-standing members that make the branch tick.

Honours and Awards chair Sheila Masson took over the reins to dole out the honourary pins.

An incredible feat, earning their 50-year pins were David McBride, Don Johnstone and Wayne Partridge. Harriet Farrell was given her 35-year pin. The Gravelines, Paul and Madeleine, each received 25-yer pins along with Bob Salmon. Twenty-year pin earners include Ken Osterhout, Jack Armitage, Rick Delahunt and Rheal Doucette. Eighteen other pins were handed out for 15, 10 and five-year memberships.

After the pins were handed out, the branch said thanks to its friends and volunteers. One of the ways it does this is with its Good Time Awards – a super big plaque honouring Legion friends that help make the whole operation tick.

This year's Good Times Award honourees included Ed Massoud, Gord Johnson, Ingrid Lum, Michelle Bainbridge, Pam Taylor, Sue Ringette and Chantale Guilbeault. Photo by Jake Davies
This year’s Good Times Award honourees included Ed Massoud, Gord Johnson, Ingrid Lum, Michelle Bainbridge, Pam Taylor, Sue Ringette and Chantale Guilbeault. Photo by Jake Davies

This year’s honourees included Ed Massoud, Gord Johnson, Ingrid Lum, Michelle Bainbridge, Pam Taylor, Sue Ringette and Chantale Guilbeault.

“This is voted on by last year’s executive between June 1, 2018 and May 31,” Dolan said. “We probably missed a few names, but we don’t have much room on the plaque.”

The best was saved for last – the Volunteer of the Year Award. This one went to someone you will see inside and out, every time you stop by the branch – Lynda Boland.

“Better known as Garden Gal,” Dolan said.

Boland helps any, and every way she can.

“This is given to a non-executive Legion member,” Dolan said. “She helps out in the kitchen quite a bit, runs the community garden and was here every day during the flood for four weeks. This time.”

She organizes the Legion’s community garden, which gives garden plots to community members who want to grow some produce over the season, she can often be found in the kitchen helping out and doing anything else that needs to get done. Boland practically moved in to the Legion during last spring’s flooding. Despite that, she wasn’t sure why she was picked.

“Thank you everyone,” she said. “I don’t understand but thank you.”

Dolan had one word of advice following the awards ceremony.

“I don’t have any more to say but belly up to the bar,” the president said.

The West Carleton Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 616. Photo by Jake Davies
The West Carleton Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 616. Photo by Jake Davies