Legion: Meals to wheels keep rolling on

Branch 616 started the new year with a fabulous New Year’s Eve takeout Chinese Buffet at which 250 meals went out the door.

The West Carleton Royal Canadian Legion column.
The West Carleton Royal Canadian Legion column.

A new COVID-19 directive came out which prevented us from opening the doors to members and guests but our TGIF takeout meals were not affected. Branch 616 thanks everyone for their overwhelming support of the Legion through the bi-weekly TGIF Meals to Wheels project.

So far, every meal has been a total sellout, starting with Harriet’s October 2020 Thanksgiving dinner up to Anita’s Butter Chicken on Jan. 29. Thank you also to the cooks and volunteers who gladly give of their time and effort to make this the success it is. The B\branch also thanks those who donated to our Roof Repair Fund.

Thanks to all you generous folks, volunteers managed to repair the roof and ceiling of the upstairs furnace room before heavy snowfall. There will be additional work to be done when weather and COVID-19 allows. Your donations also cover the cost of snow removal from the roof which will be on-going for the season.

Everyone at the branch and around the community is looking forward to the day we can open our doors again. We have so much to catch up on! With the COVID-19 vaccine program underway, we hope that day isn’t too far off.

One of the events we can hardly wait for is to get our vets from the Perley-Rideau Veterans Health Centre and all our other vets back for their annual visits. We are happy to report the Perley-Rideau Health Centre was the kick-off point for vaccinations of residents in long-term care.

Past events

Friday, Jan. 15: Meals to Wheels TGIF Dinner – Cabbage Rolls by Lori-Ann was another sell-out. LoriAnn and the kitchen crew dished out 120 delicious meals to the satisfaction of the customers. The feedback via Facebook, email and vocal was fantastic.

Friday, Jan. 29: Butter Chicken by Anita. This dinner was sold out in a week. Again, the cook and volunteers worked above and beyond the call. The process is getting smoother all the time. Great feedback too.

Meals to Wheels Take-out Dinners

Friday, Feb. 12: Ham and Scalloped Potatoes by Arleen. Baked Glazed Ham, Cheesey Scalloped Potatoes, Veggie Medley, Rolls, Squares; $15, 5:30 p.m. pickup.

Friday, Feb. 26: Roast Pork by Marina. Roasted Loin of Pork, Mashed Potatoes, Gluten-free Gravy, Mixed Veggies, Buns, Dessert. $15, pickup 5;30 p.m.

Friday, March 12: Prime Rib Menu to be announced.

Wednesday, March 17: Irish Stew by Arleen. Special Meals to Wheels Dinner in Honour of St. Patrick. Irish/Canadian Stew with potatoes, onions, veggies, loaded with beef, cabbage on the side, bread, green dessert; $15, 5:30 p.m. pick-up.

Friday, March 26: Chicken Parmesan by Harriet: menu to be announced.