Legion: Meals to Wheels a rolling success
Branch 616 wishes everyone a better and happier New Year. The latest COVID-19 regulations are in effect right now, so we are in lockdown until the next directive from the government, probably coming Jan. 24.

However, the Branch will continue with Meals to Wheels TGIF Drive-thru Dinners and the next one will be Cabbage Rolls on Friday, Jan. 15.
The Earlybird response for 2021 membership dues was very impressive. Congratulations again to the three winners of the free memberships. For those members who did not get their 2021 dues in yet submit now and remain in good standing. The Branch is closed so there is no paying at the bar right now, but Membership Chair Kevin Johnson reports you may do it online or call him at 613-832-3170.
The Branch 616 Dart Leagues got off to a good start in November 2020 but of course had to cease activities for 28 days. Hopefully, they can resume when the new pandemic directives come into effect. The Ladies League managed to have their Christmas celebration, of course with social distancing in mind.
Good news from the Perley and Rideau Health Centre, home of our veterans and seniors. They started their COVID-19 vaccinations as of Jan. 5. And they have no active cases to report.
The Meals to Wheels program is a roaring success. The food is delicious, the portions are huge and service is quick. The Christmas and New Year’s dinners were on a Saturday and a Thursday, but we are back to Fridays now unless another important date necessitates a move. There is a deadline for ordering all meals, but so far meal capacity has been filled before the cut-off date. Thank you to all the cooks and kitchen crews, the students, the runners, the people out front and on the contact list. They are all volunteers and make this service run smoothly. Thank you to the supporters who buy the dinners and donate to the building fund.
Past Events

Friday, Dec. 11: Meals to Wheels California Roast TGIF Dinner: Again, a sellout. Thanks to Cindy Delahunt and everyone who helped, 100 dinners went out the door in record time. As usual, feedback from satisfied customers was fantastic.
Saturday, Dec. 19: Harriet’s pre-Christmas Christmas Meals to Wheels Dinner was a complete success. She planned for 150 meals and exceeded a bit. Customers certainly let us know how much they enjoyed this. Thanks again to all the volunteers and supporters.
Tuesday, Dec. 22: Ladies Darts Christmas Celebration. Pajamas was the required dress and Secret Santa the theme, with of course social distancing and regular games. Tammy Maheral Adams was the Best PJs winner. Thank you to The Point who donated individual take-out dinners. Thank you to Bill and Naomi who prepared, delivered and served them.
Thursday, Dec. 31: New Year’s Eve Special: Chinese Food by Vic. We didn’t need an ordering deadline for this one. Two hundred fifty orders were in days before the cut-off date. We can’t say thank you enough to all the people who support the Meals to Wheels program, and the volunteers who make it happen.
Friday, Jan. 15: Cabbage Rolls by Lori-Ann. Delicious cabbage rolls with roasted potatoes, glazed carrots, homemade biscuit and pineapple upsidedown cake. Vehicle pick-up at 5:30 p.m., $15
Friday, Jan. 29: Butter Chicken by Anita. Another delicious dish. Complete menu to be announced, 5:30 p.m. pick- up, $15.
Friday, Feb. 12: Ham and Scalloped Potatoes by Arleen. Don’t miss this one. Complete menu to be announced, 5:30 p.m. pickup, $15.