Legion adds to executive
CONSTANCE BAY – After an incredibly busy spring for the West Carleton Royal Canadian Legion, the branch squeezed in its election to end the month of May.
On Monday evening (May 27), Branch 616 held its annual elections. Comrades from Branch 638 Kanata officiated and did the installation of new members. The Constance Bay Legion officiated Kanata’s a few weeks previously.

While there is some new blood coming in, a lot of the old guard will continue in key leadership positions.
George Dolan will remain president of Branch 616. Newcomer Murray Gordon will join Bogdan Procyk and Jim Wilson as vice presidents. Rob Gallant will continue to serve as Sergeant at Arms as will Sheila Dolan as treasurer and Arleen Morrow as secretary.
The rest of the executive committee includes Anita Kamps, Virginia Blondin, John Woodbeck (new), Kevin Gibbons (new), Sheila Masson and Kevin Johnson (new).
“I myself am delighted to have new members added to the reinstalled executive,” Morrow told West Carleton Online. “We have a complete executive – every office on the board has been filled.”
Also at the meeting, Knights of Columbus representative Gary Bastien presented Branch 616 with $1,000 donation to help with flood recovery.
Comrade Barry Milks received his Life Membership.