LaserMaxx set to open next month
OTTAWA – A week ago, laser tag manufacturer Laser Quest announced it was permanently shutting down all laser tag locations due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.
Reason enough for Constance Bay’s Philip Aldis, former director of operations at Laser Quest, to contact the landlord of the Laser Quest Ottawa location to secure the location and LaserMaxx to provide the laser tag equipment. West Carleton Online spoke to Aldis about this new venture on Sept. 29.

Dutch laser tag manufacturer LaserMaxx now announces the laser tag location at 1800 St. Laurent Blvd. will re-open next month under the name LaserMaxx Ottawa.
Marcel Röhrs, founder and owner of LaserMaxx Lasergames, is very happy with this new opening.
“We are excited with this opening in Ottawa,” he said. “Talks between Philip and us were to the point, fast and very pleasant. He has shown he knows how to run a quality laser tag location, deliver an amazing laser tag experience to players and we are happy to be able to continue the tradition of laser tag in Ottawa, albeit with a different name and a different laser tag system.”
With the opening of the Ottawa location fast approaching, Röhrs expects more openings in the near future.
“I am absolutely certain more LaserMaxx locations will open all across Canada, the United States and beyond,” he said. “There are plenty of laser tag locations that can hugely benefit from what we at LaserMaxx have to offer.”
Röhrs says he welcomes all laser tag locations, open or closed, to contact him through his website at For more information on the Ottawa opening or to book a game in advance he invites everyone to visit
Founded in 1995, Dutch LaserMaxx Lasergames is market leader in professional laser tag equipment.
Hosting features such as calorie-tracking, integrated memberships, a reality interface and many more innovations, the laser tag products of LaserMaxx can be played with in more than 350 locations in over 50 countries globally.