HCA encourages participation in Official Plan process
CARP – As the city kicks off the process to develop a new Official Plan, the Huntley Community Association (HCA) adds its voice to the chorus of rural activists encouraging participation in the public input process kicking off Monday (March 4).
“If you live in West Carleton, get involved in developing this critical plan,” HCA director Allan Joyner told West Carleton Online today (March 1).

The Official Plan is a legal document that will drive the nature and scope of the growth and change in the Ottawa community over the next 30 years.
The City of Ottawa is officially launching the project Monday in the Council Chambers at 12:30 p.m.
Planning committee chair Coun. Jan Harder and city staff will resent on the process of preparing the new Official Plan which will be followed up by a question and answer session about the project. The presentation will be repeated in Council Chambers again at 5:30 p.m. and Both presentations will be livestreamed on the city’s Facebook page. An Open House for residents to learn more about the new Official Plan and the key issues facing the city today will take place in Jean Piggott Place from noon to 8 p.m. More information can be found here.
“Please get involved on March 4,” Joyner said. “Our rural area is of specific concern to the city.”
You can read the background paper here.
“The HCA will be keeping the community up to date on the various opportunities for involvement and this initial consultation is a good example,” Joyner said. “Please don’t pass up the opportunity to get involved in this process. Every aspect of future development will be governed by this new Official Plan.”