Future, past combine for Terry Fox Run

CONSTANCE BAY – It will be a mix of the new and the old for the upcoming West Carleton Terry Fox Run Sept. 15 in Constance Bay.

The new is Mila Dolezalova who stepped up to take over as lead volunteer organizer of this year’s edition, the ninth in West Carleton. It will be the first time Bob Dupuis and Linda Cassidy haven’t organized the cancer research fundraiser in the local run’s history.

The old is, well they just couldn’t stay away. Despite having been in the heart of this year’s extreme flooding, and now needing a new foundation, Dolezalova says they are still very much a part of this year’s run.

“They are still very much involved in this event and have been helping me very much along the way,” Dolezalova told West Carleton Online from her Constance Bay home last week (Aug. 20). “So, I guess we are co- organizers?”

Many hands make light work and Dolezalova says a lot of the core volunteers and supporters have been helping out and providing support.

“Bob and Linda have established very strong relationships with the volunteers and supporters and they’re ready to continue,” Dolezalova said. “So that has really helped. Everyone is so nice. We’re getting all ready, the signs go out Sunday (Aug. 20). Due to the flood, I didn’t to start too early.”

And Dolezalova is pretty nice too. She basically, without even realizing, pledged her support to help the following year as well, more than two weeks before this year’s Terry Fox Run has even happened.

“I had plans to do a lot of new things, but for the first year, I think I should continue the way it’s been done in the past and wrap my head around the way it works,” Dolezalova said. “I figure it will be easier next year if I know the routine.”

This year’s Terry Fox Run will be held at the NorthWind Wireless Fibre Centre in Constance Bay starting Saturday, Sept. 15 at 9:30 a.m. with registration. There will be a group warm-up at 9:45 a.m. and registrants can hit the trail at 10 a.m. You don’t have to show up in the morning to participate. The run will be available until 2 p.m. There will be a barbecue starting at 11 a.m. and this year’s t-shirts will also be available (see photo). Dupuis and Cassidy have sponsored a draw for one of the sweet t-shirts as well.

The West Carleton Terry Fox Run, in only eight years, has raised just under $60,000 and this year received a 2018 Milestone Award from the Terry Fox Foundation.

 “In recognition of outstanding effort in fundraising for cancer research,” Dolezalova said. “So, I guess my message would be thank you for your past support and your continued support.”

The Terry Fox Foundation also received very good news this year.

“Today the federal government has announced an $150 million investment to support the launch of the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centre Network, an exciting new vision that will change the future of cancer research in our country,” the organization emailed Dolezalova July 11. “Every dollar invested by the government in this bold initiative needs to be matched, and we are excited to take on this new fundraising challenge. We encourage Canadians to join our roadmap to cure cancer by making a donation, fundraising for the run and making a difference. It’s a critical opportunity to realize Terry’s dream of a world without cancer. We hope you will join us.”

For more information on West Carleton’s Terry Fox Run, or to contact the organizers, visit their Facebook page.