Dwyer Hill Road fire destroys home this afternoon
RIDEAU-GOULBOURN – An afternoon fire has destroyed a rural home at the south end of Dwyer Hill Road.

“At 2 p.m. Ottawa Fire Services (OFS) received a call reporting fire at a rural residence at 7050 Dwyer Hill Rd.,” OFS public information officer Jen McNeely released in a statement this afternoon (Dec. 17). “Upon arrival, firefighters confirmed a working fire, reporting the home to be fully involved.”
OFS Fire Station 83 in North Gower attended the scene and a defensive attack ensued as crews worked to extinguish the fire, while also working to protect two small shed-like buildings and a trailer nearby. The single resident and a dog escaped without injuries.
“The fire was declared under control at 3:01 p.m. and loss stop declared at 3:42 p.m.,” McNeely said. “An investigator has been dispatched to identify the cause of the fire. We would like to thank our partners from Ottawa Paramedics, Ottawa Police, Red Cross and Salvation Army for their assistance during this incident.”