Councillor Christmas message

WEST CARLETON – It’s been a year for the books and Coun. Eli El-Chantiry addresses that in his Christmas message to the ward released earlier today (Dec. 15).

Coun. Eli El-Chantiry
Coun. Eli El-Chantiry

“It has certainly been a year for history books,” El-Chantiry released in a statement. “This has been a stressful and uncertain several months since the start of this pandemic.”

El-Chantiry says COVID-19 has also shone a light on the positive in the community as well.

“However, I have seen good people step up to help others who needed it most,” El-Chantiry said. “I have seen a lot of generous deeds every day during this strange and unprecedented time and have witnessed small acts of kindness happening all around us.”

Organizations and individuals.

“The West Carleton Food Access Centre is working as hard as ever to continue their important work of serving those most in need in our community,” El-Chantiry said. “Many residents found ways to support each other. Local groups have gotten together to come up with ways to support our rural businesses to ensure they can survive. Many people have stepped up without hesitation to help others who are feeling isolated and alone. It’s these types of small kindnesses that have made a huge difference over these past several months. It’s good to know that we are all in this together and we will come out on the other side better than ever. I sincerely thank you all.”

During these strange times and challenging restrictions recommended by public health officials, El-Chantiry hopes you are able to make the best of the season.

“My wife Maha and I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,” he said. “Throughout this unusual holiday season, and as we move into a new, and hopefully better, year, we wish you moments of peace, happiness and connections with your family and friends even if they can’t be in person. Wishing you all the good tidings Christmas brings and continued good health and happiness in 2021.”