Corkery appreciates its volunteers

CORKERY – West Carleton Online came for the photo but stayed for the food.

Last Thursday (Sept. 12), about 20 Corkery volunteers dropped by for some delicious food and community conversation as the Corkery Community Association (CCA) hosted its annual Volunteer Appreciation Night.

The weather was perfect and the earlier date this year allowed for those in attendance to enjoy their meal outside under the community centre overhang. For those who attended last year, like West Carleton Online, that evening was awfully chilly and the event was held inside the centre.

The CCA executive hosted and prepared most of the treats on hand, ranging from sandwiches to dessert.

“It’s important to show the volunteers we appreciate their help,” CCA vice president Andrew McIsaac told West Carleton Online. “It’s often the same ones coming out time and time again. We appreciate that and we want them to know it.”