City seeking donations of non-medical masks for vulnerable residents

OTATWA – The city’s Human Needs Task Force is seeking donations of non-medical masks to give vulnerable residents.

The city is seeking:

Masks made of at least two layers of tightly woven fabric that is breathable, like cotton sheets, quilters cotton and flannel

Masks with pockets or slots for replaceable filters

Masks used to cover other masks or respirators to prolong their use

Please email to set up an appointment for drop-off. You must follow physical distancing when dropping off donations

“Wearing a non-medical mask is not a replacement for physical distancing, hand washing and monitoring your health,” Ottawa Public Health released in a statement today (May 19). “Staying two metres away from people you don’t live with is important but isn’t always possible in public spaces. Wearing a mask adds an extra layer of protection, especially for others in case you have COVID-19; it may also help reduce your risk in case others have COVID-19.”

For more information about non-medical masks, visit Ottawa Public Health’s website and Health Canada’s website.