Back to school
KINBURN – Today is the day parents across West Carleton have been waiting 67 days, eight hours and 45 minutes, give or take, for – the first day of school.
Thousands of West Carleton students hit the buses or hiked and biked the sidewalks on the way to school for another year this morning (Sept. 3). It’s the most wonderful time of year.
Although the first day is already over and kids are already back at home, buried in their cell phones demanding snacks. Oh well, it was pretty good while it lasted.
Parents weren’t alone in their early morning excitement. West Carleton Online staked out Darvesh Grocery, LCBO and Liquor Store (no, not looking for exasperated parents) in Kinburn this morning (Sept. 3) to talk to kids about the upcoming first day of school.
Last year there were about 10 kids waiting to take the bus from the community hub – this year only two, Pearce and Arjun.
Numbers may have been down, but enthusiasm wasn’t. Both seven-year-olds attend Stonecrest Elementary School and both were ready to get back at it, even if that didn’t exactly include hitting the books.
“I’m excited to see my friends,” a fairly quiet Pearce said.
He will be entering Grade 2. Pearce said he had a great summer visiting family in both Newfoundland and Missouri.
Pearce says his favourite class, like many young boys, is gym.
Arjun, who will be entering Grade 3, mirrored Pearce in his response to what excites him about the first day of school.
“I’m excited to see my friends,” he told West Carleton Online.
Arjun says his favourite classes are science and arts – a rare combination.

The Ottawa police are reminding motorists in West Carleton to raise their awareness on the roads this September as young school children get used to a new routine and has advice for both motorists and students.
- Watch for pedestrian crossovers, know how they work obey them when in use;
- Walk on available sidewalks;
- Always cross at intersections, looking and listening for traffic and walk across only when road is clear and safe to do so;
- Follow adult crossing guards, student crossing patrols and school bus operator’s signals; and,
- Always wear a helmet when riding a bike and walk your bike across a roadway.
Drivers are responsible for stopping in both directions, if on a road without a median, when they see a school bus stopped with its lights flashing. Fines for not obeying this law range from $400 to $2,000 and six demerit points and West Carleton Online hopes the police throws the book at anyone found guilty of not stopping for a school bus.
For more safety tips, go to Back to School Safety.