Author’s Voice: Diving in
An author’s voice blooms suddenly, unbidden, active within the writer’s unconscious, until it clamours to be released.
Writing Tips
Diving In: Formalizing My Writing, Sharing and Publishing
Upon finding myself with a manuscript, and basking in the flow of encouragement and support from other writers, family, friends from whom I solicited feedback, I decided to actually dive into the deep waters of publishing.
I asked other published writers for details about the whats and hows of proceeding to publishing. At the same time, I saw an ad for “Hay House Writers’ Workshop”, and scraped together the money to afford the first-ever online version. The advantages of an online course included no big costs (like travel, accommodation away from home, restaurants where my unique nutrition needs could be met), chat group set up where we could converse with writers who were presenting as well as others who were enrolled in the workshop.
Disadvantages included no face to face sharing of information, curiosity, contact information. And agents did not attend the online workshop.
This course served me well, giving me access to a website authors’ learning site which is dedicated to our group with the videos and information available for life, and a place where I could return to ask, yet again, another question.
Featured CCWG / Local Writer: Justin Lahey

I’m an avid reader that began writing creatively 30 years ago as a break from studying.
I quickly realized that the written word was a powerful craft worth honing.
Like most hobby writers, my daytime job pays the bills! At night, I let my creativity flow freely.
Searching for America
Adapted Screenplay by Justin Lahey,
based on the book Il n’y a plus d’Amérique by Louis Caron
A very small room houses a sofa covered with books, a tv, a table, and a chair. Turtles are everywhere: pictured on the walls, little statuettes, and in a live aquarium.
This is very quaint.
Most people find it too small.
That could be its charm.
This is my cocoon!
More like your shell!
(pointing to all the
They guide me!
Marie moves a few books and sits on the sofa. Billy sits on the chair across from her.
Memory… that’s your real name?
Billy Memory. Hard to forget!
Joe always said you were a wise but
strange man.
Billy observes Marie with a profound stare. She is uncomfortable and looks away.
Why are you here?
I can’t carry this weight anymore.
I need to understand
what happened to my husband.
That will take all night…
One night seems like a small price
to pay.
I need your help to come to terms
with what I’ve done.
Billy looks at her blankly.
Will you help me?
Billy continues to stare.
If I can walk the same path Joe took,
I should end up at the same dead end.
And the only thing to do then
is to find a way out.
Billy nods.
You’re the last witness to what
happened here.
Marie breaks down and covers her face with her hands.
Will you help me?
She slowly lifts her head with a pleading look.
It’s all my fault. Nothing would
have happened if I didn’t start with
my stupid angels…
CCWG Events
March 20 6:45 p.m.: Join us as we welcome Kevin McGowan The Paper Podcast. Kevin is a professional producer, podcaster, and project manager, speaking about set up for success in podcast projects. Kevin will talk about how to best plan your podcast project, from initial concept to production to promotion.
CCWG (Carp Creative Writers’ Group) Wednesdays 6:45 -to 8 p.m., Carp Branch – Ottawa Public Library. All writers invited.