ARAC approves draft 2020 budget

CITY HALL – The Agriculture and Rural Affairs committee (ARAC) will submit a budget committing to $.3 million to renew rural infrastructure.

ARAC approved its portion of Draft Budget 2020, which commits $6.3 million to renew rural infrastructure, including roads, bridges and culverts during this morning’s (Dec. 6) meeting.

Added to rural investments approved by other committees, the city would invest a combined total of about $43 million in rural infrastructure, up from a four-year annual average of $39.7 million. ARAC approved an additional $1.8 million to fund construction of a new community building in the rural west. 

ARAC considered the priorities and actions for this Term of Council that fall under its mandate. Under the proposed priority of economic growth and diversification, the city would develop and adopt a new Official Plan that envisions growth in Ottawa that fosters business investment, employment opportunities and liveable communities. The city would also develop and implement a Rural Economic Development Strategy and action plan to support growth in Ottawa’s rural economy.