Propeller Brewing Releases Dark Saison and Brett Porter

HALIFAX, NS – Propeller Brewing has announced the release of a pair of “special bottles a long time in the making.”

Dark Saison (8% abv):

Brewed in October, 2019 into a single bourbon barrel, where it sat with a blend of saison and Brettanomyces yeasts for 11 months. Rich and dark with moderate carbonation, notes of figs, dark fruit, and classic Brett earthiness and funk, along with bourbon and oak characteristics. This unique beer is a true one-off that showcases a complex grain bill, yeast profile and barrel characteristics from the first barrel that started our ongoing barrel program (affectionately named Betty).

Brett Porter (6.4% abv):

British Ale yeast primary fermentation, then transferred to oak barrels for a secondary fermentation and aged 9+ months with Brettanomyces Claussenii (Brett C), which produces a mild brett funk, with fruit overtones, earth and hay. The result is a classic London Style Porter with layers of rich roasted malt, with the earthy, fruity funk characteristics of the Brett C yeast.

Both beers are available now at all three Prop Shop locations and via home delivery.

Source & Photo: Propeller Brewery Instagram page