Cabin Brewing Releases Single Saturation Series New England Pale Ales

CALGARY, AB – Cabin Brewing has announced the release of a trio of variants on its flagship Super Saturation New England Pale Ale.

The Single Saturation Series (6% abv) consists of three single hop NEPAs with the following background:

We’ve deconstructed the hop medley in our favourite hazy to let each individual varietal shine. The three hops we use in Super Saturation – Mosaic, Citra and Simcoe – all have different aromas and flavours. You know what they taste like together, but now you get to taste them all on their own. Everything else about the beer remains the same, making for a fun compare/contrast exercise. Super!

All Single Saturation Series beers are available now at the Cabin Brewing retail store and online shop.

Source & Photo: Cabin Brewing mailing list